Pressure Relief Procedure
312759R 65
Pressure Relief
1. Place a waste container below the dispense valve.
2. Navigate to the Manual screen. See Screen Navi-
gation Diagram on page 16.
3. Press the Open Dispense Valve button on the Man-
ual screen to relieve chemical pressure.
4. Press the Machine Disable Mode button ( ).
5. Press the system air pressure relief switch (106)
down to stop air supply and to vent air pressure in
the machine. It is the yellow tab at the left, rear of
the machine. The hole in the tab should be visible.
6. If necessary, run a lock through the hole to lock the
tab in place. This prevents the system air pressure
from being inadvertently enabled.
If the machine is to remain idle for an extended period of
time, perform the following steps.
1. Place a waste container below the dispense valve.
2. If installed, remove static mixer from the end of the
dispense valve.
3. Place a container below the dispense valve and
activate a small shot to flush mixed material out of
the valve.
4. Relieve pressure. See Pressure Relief Procedure.
5. With a clean rag and cotton swabs, clean the end of
the dispense valve.
6. Install nightcap on the dispense valve.