Gun Overview
Diagnostic Mode
Diagnostic Mode includes four screens which display
gun data:
• Voltage (kilo
Volts) Screen
• Current (mic
roAmperes) Screen
• Alternator S
peed (Hertz) Screen
• Low Voltage L
ock Screen
NOTE: You must be in Operating Mode to adjust the
low voltage setting; the setting is not adjustable in
Diagnostic Mode. However, the voltage adjustment
switch (VA) can be set to HI or LO in Operating Mode
and in Diagnostic Mode.
To enter Diagnostic Mode, press and hold the LO SET
(LS) button for approximately 5 seconds. The display
will go to the Voltage (kiloVolts) Screen, page 13.
To advanc
e to the next screen, press the LO SET
button ag
To exit Diagnostic Mode, press and hold the LO SET
button for approximately 5 seconds. The screen will
return to Operating Mode.
NOTE: If the gun is detriggered while in Diagnostic
the gun is retriggered.
iagnostic Mode cannot be exited
from th
e Low Voltage Lock Screen. See
Low Vol
tage Lock Screen, page 14 for details.
ge (kiloVolts) Screen
The Vo
ltage (kiloVolts) Screen is the first screen to
r after entering Diagnostic Mode. See Fig. 6,
and T
able 1 on page 11. To enter this screen, press
and h
old the LO SET button for approximately 5
nds while in the Operating Mode.
This screen displays the spraying voltage of the
gun as a number (kV), rounded to the nearest 5 kV.
The two top right LEDs (VI) of the display panel
light, indicating that the Voltage (kiloVolts) Screen
is displayed. The display is a readout and cannot
be changed.
Press the LO SET button to advance to the
Current (microAmperes) Screen, page 13.Press
and hold for approximately 5 seconds to return to
Operating Mode.
Figure 6 Voltage (kiloVolts) Screen
Current (microAmperes) Screen
The Current (microAmperes) Screen is the second
screen in the Diagnostic Mode. See Fig. 7, and Table
1 on page 11. To enter this screen, press the LO
SET button while in the Voltage (kiloVolts) Screen.
This screen displays the spraying current of the gun
as a number (uA), rounded to the nearest 5 uA. The
two bottom right LEDs (CI) of the display panel light,
indicating that the Current (microAmperes) Screen
is displayed. The display is a readout and cannot
be changed.
Press the LO SET button to advance to the
Alternator Speed (Hertz) Screen, page 14.Press
and hold for approximately 5 seconds to return to
Operating Mode.
Figure 7 Current (microAmperes) Screen
3A2495C 13