Gun Overview
Smart Guns
The Smart Gun module displays spraying voltage,
current, alternator speed, and the voltage setting (low
or high). It also allows the user to change to a lower
spraying voltage. The module has two modes:
• Operating Mo
• Diagnostic M
Operating M
Bar Graph
See Fig. 2,
and Table 1 on page 11. The Operating
Mode displ
ays gun data during normal spraying. The
display u
ses a bar graph to show the voltage level in
s (kV) and the current level in microAmperes
(uA). The
bar graph range is from 0 to 100% for each
If the uA bar graph LEDs are blue, the gun is ready
to spray. If the LEDs are yellow or red, the current is
too high. The fluid may be too conductive, or see
Electrical Troubleshooting, page 37 for other possible
Hz Indicator
The Hz indicator functions the same as the ES
indicator on standard guns. The indicator lights to
show the alternator speed status, and has three
• Green indicates the alternator speed is correct.
• If the indicator changes to amber after 1 second,
increase the air pressure.
• If the indicator changes to red after 1 second,
reduce the air pressure.
Voltage Adjustment Switch
The voltage adjustment switch (VA) allows the
operator to change from low to high voltage.
• The high volt
age setting is determined by the
maximum volt
age of the gun and is not adjustable.
age indicator (LO) lights
when the swi
tch is set to LO. The low
voltage set
ting is user adjustable. See
Adjusting t
he Low Voltage Setting, page 10.
NOTE: If the Error display appears, the Smart module
has lost communication with the power supply. See
Error Display, page 10, for further information.
Figure2 SmartGunModuleinOperatingMode
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