Model H8192 1" Belt/8" Disc Combo Sander
5. Position the belt housing assembly so there
is about
⁄4" V-belt deflection when moderate
pressure is applied to the V-belt between the
pulleys (see
Figure 10)—then fully tighten
the cap screws to secure the belt housing
assembly in place.
Figure 10. Measuring V-belt deflection.
6. Insert one M4-.7 x 10 Phillips head screw
and flat washer into the left inside mounting
bracket of the V-belt safety cover (see
Figure 11). Then hold it in place with a
screwdriver as you slide the cover over the
V-belt and tighten the fastener into the cast
iron disc guard.
7. Secure the right side of the V-belt cover with
one M4-.7 x 10 Phillips head screw and flat
8. Position the V-belt rear cover, as shown in
Figure 12, and secure it in place with the M4-
.7 x 40 Phillips head screw and wingnut.
Figure 12. V-belt rear cover installed (inset
shows front location of screw).
Wing Nut
Rear Cover
Figure 11. Holding V-belt cover mounting
fastener in place.