3.2 Freezer temperature setup
Every press of freezer button(effect when released)will resultin 1scale increase,
and one afteranother offreezer indicatorswill lightfrom leftto rightuntil scale5 is
reached (5 indicatorson). If the buttonis pressed again,the cycle willstart from
scale 1 (left end indicatoron).
1.2 Indicator
3.1 Refrigerator temperature setup
a. Super freeze: thelargest indicator lightson the top,super freezemode
b. Refrigerator sensor 1error: firstone from left of refrigerator scaleindicators
blinks at 1Hz
d. Refrigerator sensor 2error: secondfrom leftof refrigeratorscale indicators
blinks at 1Hz
e. Freezer sensor error:first fromleft offreezer scaleindicators blinks at 1Hz
f. Defrost sensor error:second fromleft offreezer scaleindicators blinks at
g. Ambient temperature sensor error:third from left of freezer scaleindicators
blinks at 1Hz
When the applianceis initialized, bothrefrigerator andfreezer areset atscale 3
automatically with superfreeze mode inactivated.If freezersensor temperatureis
between the pointsfor turningon andoff, the refrigerator willstart operation when
temperature rises tothe pointfor turning on.
Every press of refrigerator button(effect when released)will resultin 1scale
increase, and oneafter another ofrefrigerator indicatorswill lightfrom leftto right
until scale 5is reached (5indicators on). If the buttonis pressed again,the cycle
will start from scale 1(left end indicatoron).
2. Initial status requirements
3. Ordinary temperature setup control