Power interruption
refrigerator for afew hoursafter apower
Don't put additionalfood intothe
refrigerator during apower interruption
and try to openthe dooras less
frequently as possible.
If prior noticeof apower interruptionis
given, make someice andput itin a
container in thetop ofthe refrigeration
Caution: Temperature in the refrigeratorwill riseas fora power
interruption or technicalproblem, and thestorage periodwill be
Ceased operation
If the refrigerator isto beceased foran
extended period, unplugthe refrigerator
and clean therefrigerator aspreviously
Keep the doorof refrigeratoropen when
the power isturned off to prevent any
food remaining inthe compartment from
producing bad odors.
Caution: It isrecommended thatthe refrigerator benot turnedoff
unless it is necessary.
Caution: Do notrestart the refrigeratoruntil aperiod ofat leastfive
minutes has elapsed.
4. Super freeze control
5. Light
4.1 Press super freezebutton (effect whenreleased) toenter superfreeze mode,
and compressor and freezerfan motor willkeep operatingcontinuously for4
4.2 Super freeze modecan beinactivated eitherautomatically ormanually.
4.3 Automatic exit
When preset superfreeze periodexpiries, the superfreeze mode willbe
inactivated automatically andprevious modewill beentered (themode priorto
the super freezemode).
4.4 Manual exit
Under super freezemode, ifsuper freezesetup buttonis pressed (effect when
released), the superfreeze mode willbe inactivatedand previousmode willbe
entered (the modeprior tothe super freezemode).
4.5 In the processof superfreeze, whenaccumulative workingperiod reaches8
hours, defrost is activated anddefrost timeis tobe addedto superfreeze
period. The super freezeand automaticdefrost modes areinactivated under
their respective conditionsof exitand do notaffect each other.
4.6 If super freezemode isactivated whileautomatic defrostis in operation,the
automatic defrost mode willcontinue untilautomatic defrostis inactivated and
super freeze mode activated.After super freezemode isentered, remaining
time of defrostmode willbe addedinto super freezeperiod.
4.7 Super freeze modeactivated manually:verify thelength ofaccumulative
working period beforesuper freezemode isentered plusthe periodbetween
super freeze mode isentered andmanually inactivated,if thelength is less then
8 hours, defrostmode isnot activated.
4.8 After super freezemode isentered, thefreezer sensorwill notcontrol operating
status of compressorand freezerfan motor, and theair outletand refrigerator
fan motor willbe underthe control of refrigerator sensor1.
4.9 If error alarmsounds whilesuper freezemode isactivated, prioritywill begiven
to alarm and thensuper freezeexit, anderror protection modewill beentered.
Indicator will beon andoff when therefrigerator dooris openedor closed,