To select the desired option press ATC until the option is
displayed on the LCD.
If temperature compensation is active, measurements are
compensated using the temperature coefficient (default value
1.90 %/°C).
To change the temperature coefficient, enter the setup mode and select the “tc”
item (See SETUP for details, page 14). The current temperature coefficient can be
quickly viewed by pressing ALT+TC keys. The value is briefly displayed on the
secondary LCD.
• If the temperature reading is out of –9.9 °C - 120.0 °C interval and Atc or
Mtc option is selected, the temperature limit range value will be displayed,
together with the “°C” tag blinking and the instrument will do no
temperature compensation.
EC calibration is a one-point procedure. Selectable calibration points are:
0.00 µS, 84.0 µS, 1413 µS, 5.00 mS, 12.88 mS, 80.0 mS, 111.8 mS.
To enter EC calibration, select the EC range and press CAL.
Note: TDS reading is automatically derived from the EC reading and no
specific calibration for TDS is needed. Pressing CAL when TDS range is
selected has no effect.
Rinse the probe with calibration solution or deionized water.
Immerse the probe into the solution. The sleeve holes must be
completely submerged. Tap the probe repeatedly to remove any
air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve.
For zero calibration, just leave the dry probe in the air.
The “BUF” and “CAL” tags are displayed. The primary LCD displays the
uncalibrated EC reading. The secondary LCD displays the buffer value. The
“~” tag blinks.