
Programming Courses:
You can also program and store a series of commands and ask R2 to execute the series all at once.
To do this, say "Hey, R2!", then "Command Mode!", then "Plot course!" Give R2 several commands
as described above, i.e. each command consisting of a direction and a distance. Once you’ve
completed a series, say "Execute course!" and R2-D2 will do just that! Remember to wait for R2’s
acknowledging beep after each command before giving him another command.
If you reach the maximum number of commands that R2’s memory banks can hold (about twenty),
R2 will launch into the series immediately. Any time you want to erase a command series, simply
say "Plot course" then say "Delete course!" R2 will remain in Command Mode, but will delete the
stored series. (It is not possible to delete just one command in a series, only the entire course.)
Also, if you turn R2 off manually, he will wipe the course from his memory.
Remember, at any time, you can say "Re-set system!" to bring R2 back to his Companion Mode.
This will not delete the stored course.
The many levels of R2-D2’s programming will ensure lots of fun and discovery with this loyal,
lovable, multi-talented droid. Have fun!