1.) R2 will automatically revert to his battery-conserving "Standby" setting if he is unable to find
someone to interact with for several minutes (for example, if he can’t find anyone during Light
Tag, or when he’s on patrol). When reverting to this mode, his red LED will flash on and off,
then turn off completely. While in Standby, R2 will "wake up" when you talk directly to him,
when he senses motion in front of him, or when you tap him gently on the head.
2.) You may also put R2 into "Standby" setting directly by saying "Switch off!" when he is in
Command Mode.
3.) If you will not be playing with R2-D2 for extended periods of time (more than two or three
days), it is recommended that you manually turn his Master Power Control to the "OFF"
• If R2-D2 starts responding sluggishly, it is likely that his batteries need to be replaced. In
general, if his motion is sluggish even on flat surfaces or his lights seem dim, the "D"
batteries need to be replaced; most other types of trouble (sounds, recognition) indicate that
the "AA" batteries need replacement. If R2 shuts off during play, or right after you turn him
on, replace the "AA" batteries.
• Bright light, or temperatures above 77 F or below 65 F, may disorient R2; under these
conditions, he may have trouble seeing and finding people as usual.
• If you place an object in R2-D2’s utility arm that is too large or too heavy, he will not be
able to move properly; simply remove the item, and he will return to normal function.
• If any of R2’s parts (for instance, his steering legs) come off during play or when he is
dropped, simply follow the assembly instructions in this manual to re-assemble the part(s).
• If you need help, please call 1-800-327-8264, or visit www.starwars.hasbro.com
Command Card
Keep in R2’s
cargo hold for
quick reference.