• the remote release is operated (see 'Remote release')
• the LCD back light illumination button is pressed
• the camera back is opened or closed
• the MODE button is pressed
• the ▲ or ▼ button is pressed
The XPan II uses interchangeable bayonet-fitting
Hasselblad lenses specifically designed for the Xpan/
Xpan II cameras. Three lenses are available: a 30mm
Aspherical, a 45mm and a 90mm. The following is
general user information for both the 45mm and
the 90mm lenses. The 30mm lens requires more
specific information and is therefore supplied with its
own user manual. See the 'Technical Specifications'
table towards the end of this manual for further details
of all three lenses as well as depth of field tables
for the 45 mm and 90 mm lenses. Further information
on filters can also be found under 'Accessories'
towards the end of this manual.
Lens case ░12░
The lens case consists of a cover, cover base and an
integral rear lens cap. The lens cover is unscrewed
approximately Vs turn counter-clockwise to remove.
The lens can then be unscrewed approximately ⅛ turn
counter-clockwise to remove from the base. If, however,
you continue to turn the lens counter-clockwise,
the rear lens cap will also be released from the base.
As the cap is then also free from the lens, take care not to
drop it.
Lens cap ░13░
The lens cap is removed and attached by pinching
inwards the two projections on the rim of the cap to
release its grip.
Always replace the camera body protective cover and the lens
caps when camera and lens are separated.
Attaching lenses ░14░
Firstly, turn the protective cover on the camera body
counter-clockwise and remove it. Align the index on
the lens with the index on the camera body. Gripping
the lens by the knurled attachment ring, turn the lens
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