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Remote release ░39░
A variety of remote releases can be attached to the
XPan II, which has a standard cable release port. Any
type of release is suitable on condition that the final
connector has a standard fitting, as in the illustra-
tion. There is also an optional electrical release cord
for XPan II. It uses the same port as for the standard
mechanical cable releases
The use of a remote release activates the camera
(including the exposure meter) and fires the shutter
immediately. In Auto mode you can see which shutter
speed was chosen by the camera on the viewLCD and
camLCD; in Manual mode press the shutter release but-
ton halfway to activate the exposure meter and adjust
the settings before making an exposure with a cable
When the shutter speed is set at 'B', the drain on the
batteries is substantial. The maximum exposure time at this
setting is 540 seconds.
Mid-roll rewind ░40░
Normally the film is automatically rewound into the
cassette after the last frame has been exposed. To
remove the film beforehand, however, you must press
the mid-roll rewind button located below the camLCD
panel. The button is recessed to prevent unintentional
use, so use the tip of a ball-point pen or similar to ac-
cess it.
Exposure history
The total number of exposures taken with the camera
can be checked on the camLCD. With the camera turned
off, depress the ▲ button and keep it depressed while
you switch the shooting mode selector to S.
Each unit signifies ten exposures. You may find that
even a brand new camera indicates around 200 expo-
sures taken. This is a result of testing during manufac-
ture and is not a sign of used equipment.
This facility is a handy check to see whether the cam-
era should be serviced.
Film processing ░41░
If you have panorama format exposures or a mixture
of standard and panorama format exposures on the
same roll of film, be sure to use a film processing labo-
ratory that is aware of the situation and is qualified to
handle such cases. Normal consumer film processing
facilities are not suitable as their systems cannot allow
for the mix of formats and will cut the film incorrectly.