Section 6: Baking, Broiling and Roasting
Standard Baking
This is the traditional “radiant heat” style of
cooking. You may choose this method of cook-
ing for your tried and true recipes. As with all
radiant style ovens, it will be necessary to
preheat the oven, especially for baked goods.
Usually your recipe will state whether or not
preheating is required. When roasting meats
from frozen to finish, usually preheating is not
required. However, allow 1/3 to 1/2 more
cooking time depending on the size of the cut.
To assure desired degree of doneness, use a
meat thermometer for meats and poultry.
Refer to Appendix “A” for temperature and
cooking times.
Baking, Broiling and Roasting
Standard Broiling
This method of cooking is used to transfer high
heat over a short period of time to food placed in
close proximity to the broiler element. Usually
used to brown the surface of food, such as
meringues, steaks and roasts.
Place meat on the broiler pan (add water to the
bottom of the pan to reduce smoking) and place
on the third or fourth rack depending on the food
and your personal tastes.
Roasting / broiler rack may be locked on broiler
pan and placed on second or third rack.
Refer to Appendix “A” for temperature and
cooking times.
Radiant Heat Pattern
Diagram shows how heat is radiated from the
elements, during the cooking process.
(fig 14)