Section 7: Care and Cleaning
The easiest way to clean the grill is immediately
after cooking. First, turn the control valves to
the OFF position. ( “O” )
Wearing an oven mitt, to protect hands from the
heat and steam, dip a barbecue brush in tap
water. Scrub the hot grill. Steam created as the
water contacts the hot grill assists the cleaning
process by softening any food particles. The grill
may be cleaned in the sink for further cleaning
(dishwasher safe) after it has cooled off.
The steel mesh located under the grill can be
removed and cleaned (dishwasher safe).
The grill burners must be removed before panels
“A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” can be removed. (fig 20)
To remove, remove the wing nut located in the
middle of the two burners. The burners can now
separately lift off the orifices, lifted out, and
placed on top of the unit. There is approximately
6–8” (15 – 20 cm) of ignitor wire with the
burner. (When installing the burner back into
position, be sure that the ignitor wires go back
into the appropriate hole.)
Excessive Flare Ups and Flaming
Occasionally grease drippings ignite. These drippings will create minor puffs of flame for a second
or two. This is normal when ccoking on a barbecue. You may find it handy to have a spray bottle
filled with water to lightly spray the flare-up.
If the flame becomes excessive, remove the food from the grill. Lower the heat setting. Replace the
food when the flare-up subsides. To prevent flare-ups from happening, trim the fat from around the
edges of steaks and chops, use hamburger that is lean, remove the fat that is on poultry, etc.
When turning any kind of meat or poultry, the melted fat will drop onto the mesh and it may create a
flare-up. If this happens, use a long handled spatula to move the food to another area.
DO NOT leave the grill unattended while it is turned on.
(fig 20)
Remove panels “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”, and wash (dishwasher safe). To replace panels, follow above
instructions in reverse order (please note that panels “B” and “C” are interchangeable) - However, the
cut out must face in direction shown.