Chapter 6 Backdating
Backdating Firmware
6-8 Assembly-Level Service Guide
Backdating Firmware
CHANGE 1 (Firmware Revisions 3317, 3335, 3402, 3427)
(Note: firmware revision 3413 added the new security menu item and
the new Calibration Menu to the HP 53131A Counter.)
(Note: firmware revision 3427 was set up to work with the new FPGA
[Xilinx 3042A]; and shortens TI delay from 1 ms to 100ms. This
revision is backward compatible.
Page 2-6 thru Page 2-15 (“About the HP 53131A/132A Calibration Menu,”
and “The HP 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures” sections).
Replace with the following calibration information and procedures:
About the HP 53131A Calibration Menu
The Utility menu is accessed by holding the Recall key and cycling
POWER key.
The Utility menu’s calibration items, illustrated on the following page,
provide you with the functions to:
• initiate the Counter’s calibration routines, which can perform
automatic calibration of the voltage offset and gain of the front-end
input amplifiers, and optional timebase
(CAL: OFFS 1 / 2 ?, GAIN 1 / 2 ?, TIMEBAS ?, and TI 1Å2?).
Utility Menu:
Hold at power up