Quick Reference Service Manual
HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers
System Error: 010041 Ć Switch the Printer OFF and ON again. During initialization
another error code will appear. Refer to the relevant error code for further information.
System Error: 010042 0000000X
Error data (X):
0 ³ Faulty Media Sensor.
1 ³ Faulty PinchĆarm Sensor.
2 ³ Faulty Refill Assembly Sensor.
3 ³ Faulty Elevator Sensor.
4 ³ Faulty Service Station Sensor.
5 ³ Faulty Primer Sensor.
Try the following:
D Make sure that all sensors are connected correctly.
D If Faulty Service Station or Primer sensors Ć Check/replace Service Station Interconnect
D If Faulty Refill Assembly or Elevator sensors Ć Check/replace Refill Interconnect Cable.
D If Faulty PinchĆarm sensor Ć Replace PinchĆarm Sensor.
D If Faulty Refill Assembly Sensor Ć Replace Refill Assembly.
D If Faulty Elevator Sensor Ć Replace the Elevator Assembly.
D If Faulty Service Station Sensor Ć Replace the Service Station Assembly.
D If Faulty Media Sensor Ć Replace Media Sensor.
D If Faulty Primer Sensor Ć Replace Primer Assembly.
D Replace Electronics Module.
System Error: 010100 Ć Replace Electronics Module.
System Error: 010101 Ć Refer to Error Code 07xxxx
System Error: 010102 Ć Replace Electronics Module.
System Error: 010110 Ć Test Electronics Module. Perform the following Calibrations:
Carriage / Refill / Line Sensor / Service Station / Printhead Alignment / Color Calibration /
Service Accuracy. Make sure you have the latest version of the Flash SIMM (firmware)
installed. Replace Electronics Module.
System Error: 010111 Ć Press ENTER and reĆconfigure the front panel settings. If
possible, enter Service Mode and clear the EEROM. If error code continues, replace
Electronics Module.
System Error: 010120 Ć If Error Code appeared during normal operation and not during
initialization, then problem can be solved by switching the printer OFF and ON again. Enter
in Service Mode. During initialization Error Code 010110" appears. Refer to that error code
for further information.
System Error: 010121 Ć Switch the printer OFF and ON again. If Error Code reappears,
replace Electronics Module.