Software Management
Updating the Switch Software
Xmodem Download From a PC or Unix Workstation
This procedure assumes that:
■ The switch is connected via the Console RS-232 port to a PC operating as a terminal. (Refer to the Installation and
Getting Started Guide you received with the switch for information on connecting a PC as a terminal and running
the switch console interface.)
■ The switch update software is stored on a disk drive in the PC.
■ The terminal emulator you are using includes the Xmodem binary transfer feature. (For example, in the HyperTer-
minal application included with Windows NT, you would use the Send File option in the Transfer drop-down menu.)
Using Xmodem and a terminal emulator, you can download a switch software file to either primary or secondary flash using
the CLI.
Syntax: copy xmodem flash [< primary | secondary >]
1. To reduce the download time, you may want to increase the baud rate in your terminal emulator and in the switch to a
value such as 115200 bits per second. (The baud rate must be the same in both devices.) For example, to change the
baud rate in the switch to 115200, execute this command:
ProCurve(config)# console baud-rate 115200
(If you use this option, be sure to set your terminal emulator to the same baud rate.)
Changing the console baud-rate requires saving to the Startup Config with the write memory command. Alternatively, you
can logout of the switch and change your terminal emulator speed and allow the switch to AutoDetect your new higher
baud rate (i.e. 115200 bps)
2. Execute the following command in the CLI:
3. Execute the terminal emulator commands to begin the Xmodem transfer. For example, using HyperTerminal:
a. Click on Transfer, then Send File.
b. Type the file path and name in the Filename field.
c. In the Protocol field, select Xmodem.
d. Click on the Send button.
The download can take several minutes, depending on the baud rate used in the transfer.
4. If you increased the baud rate on the switch (step 1), use the same command to return it to its previous setting. (ProCurve
recommends a baud rate of 9600 bits per second for most applications.) Remember to return your terminal emulator to
the same baud rate as the switch.)
5. Use the show flash command to verify that the new software version is in the expected flash area (primary or secondary)
6. Reboot the switch from the flash area that holds the new software (primary or secondary).
After the switch reboots, it displays the CLI or Main Menu, depending on the Logon Default setting last configured in the
menu’s Switch Setup screen.
ProCurve # copy xmodem flash primary
The primary OS image will be deleted. continue [y/n]? Y
Press ‘Enter’ and start XMODEM on your host...