
Support Notes and Clarifications
Release J.14.01
Support Notes and Clarifications
Release J.14.01
Release J.14.01 is the original release.
Duplicate ProCurve Software Code Designation — Software versions for HP ProCurve 2520G switches and HP
ProCurve Secure Router 7000dl Series are both designated by the prefix “J”. However, the 2520G switch software
image files contain the extension “.swi”, while the Secure Router 7000dl Series image files contain the extention “.biz”.
In addition, each image can only be installed on the proper device.
Known Issues
Release J.14.01
None, Release J.14.01 is the original release.
Unless otherwise noted, each new release includes the enhancements added in all previous releases. Enhancements are listed
in chronological order, oldest to newest software release.
Release J.14.01 Enhancements
None, Release J.14.01 is the original release.
Software Fixes
Software fixes are listed in chronological order, oldest to newest software release. Unless otherwise noted, each new release
includes the fixes added in all previous releases.
J.14.01 is the first software release for HP ProCurve 2520G switches.
Release J.14.01
Problems Resolved in Release J.14.01
None, Release J.14.01 is the original release.