Control-panel message Description Recommended action
79 Service Error
Turn off then on
An incompatible DIMM is installed. 1. Turn the printer off by using the power
2. Install a DIMM that the printer supports.
Service and support for a list of
supported DIMMs. See
Working with
memory for DIMM installation
3. Turn the printer on.
If the message persists, contact HP support.
Service and support.
Color disabled. Using black only The printer has been set to disable color
printing. Jobs will only print in black and white.
The printer is behaving correctly with the
current settings. If you need to print in color,
contact your administrator. See Restricting
color printing.
Device error
Press OK
An internal error occurred. Press OK to resume the job.
Door open The printer door is open. Close the door.
Engine comm. error The printer experienced an internal
communication error.
Turn off the power by using the power switch,
wait at least 30 seconds, and then turn on the
power and wait for the printer to initialize.
If you are using a surge protector, remove it.
Plug the printer directly into the wall socket.
Use the power switch to turn on the printer.
If the message persists, contact HP support.
Service and support.
Incorrect <color> A print cartridge is installed in the incorrect
Be sure that each print cartridge is in the
correct slot. From top to bottom, the print
cartridges are installed in this order: black,
yellow, cyan, magenta.
Incorrect supplies More than one print cartridge is installed in
the incorrect slot.
Be sure that each print cartridge is in the
correct slot. From top to bottom, the print
cartridges are installed in this order: black,
yellow, cyan, magenta.
Install <color> cartridge The cartridge is either not installed or not
correctly installed in the printer.
Install the print cartridge. See Changing print
Install supplies More than one cartridge is either not installed
or not correctly installed in the printer.
Install the print cartridges. See Changing
print cartridges.
Invalid driver You are using an incorrect printer driver. Select the correct printer driver.
Jam in <location>
(<location> indicates the area where the jam
has occurred)
The printer has detected a jam. Clear the jam from the area indicated on the
control panel. The job should continue to
print. If it does not, try reprinting the job.
If the message persists, contact HP support.
Service and support.
Load paper All trays are empty. Load print media into the trays.
ENWW Control-panel messages 91