15–28 Mathematics Programs
File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424
Printed Date : 2003/4/24 Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm
Flags Used:
Flag 0 is used to remember if the root is real or complex (that is, to remember
the sign of d). If d is negative, then flag 0 is set. Flag 0 is tested later in the
program to assure that both the real and imaginary parts are displayed if
Memory Required:
382.0 bytes: 268.5 for programs, 33.5 for SOLVE, 80 for variables.
The program accommodates polynomials of order 2, 3, 4, and 5. It does not
check if the order you enter is valid.
The program requires that the constant term a
is nonzero for these
polynomials. (If a
is 0, then 0 is a real root. Reduce the polynomial by one
order by factoring out x.)
The order and the coefficients are not preserved by the program.
Because of round–off error in numerical computations, the program may
produce values that are not true roots of the polynomial. The only way to
confirm the roots is to evaluate the polynomial manually to see if it is zero at
the roots.
For a third– or higher–order polynomial, if SOLVE cannot find a real root, the
is displayed.
You can save time and memory by omitting routines you don't need. If you're
not solving fifth–order polynomials, you can omit routine E. If you're not
solving fourth– or fifth–order polynomials, yoga can omit routines D, E, and F.
If you're not solving third–, fourth–, or fifth–order polynomials, you can omit
routines C, D, E, and F.
Program Instructions:
1. Press
} to clear all programs and variables. This
program requires all but 2 bytes of memory while running.