6–4 Entering and Evaluating Equations
File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424
Printed Date : 2003/4/24 Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm
Key Operation
Enters and leaves Equation mode.
Evaluates the displayed equation. If the equation is an
assignment, evaluates the right–hand side and stores
the result in the variable on the left–hand side. If the
equation is an equality or expression, calculates its
value like
. (See "Types of Equations" later in this
Evaluates the displayed equation. Calculates its value,
replacing "=" with "–" if an "=" is present.
Solves the displayed equation for the unknown
variable you specify. (See chapter 7.)
Integrates the displayed equation with respect, to the
variable you specify. (See chapter 8.)
Begins editing the displayed equation; subsequent
presses delete the rightmost function or variable.
Deletes the displayed equation from the equation list.
Steps up or down through the equation list.
Shows the displayed equation's checksum (verification
value) and length (bytes of memory).
Leaves Equation mode.
You can also use equations in programs—this is discussed in chapter 12.
Entering Equations into the Equation List
The equation list is a collection of equations you enter. The list is saved in the
calculator's memory. Each equation you enter is automatically saved in the
equation list.