Problem Resolution
TRANSMIT ERRORS (500 level codes) – Code numbers not listed are not used
501 Line busy Busy tone detected during initial handshake. “BUSY” dis-
played on journal.
502 DCN received A DCN was received in a command frame that was received
in response to CNG. The remote side ended the session by
sending DCN (disconnect) very early in the session setup.
Between 2 HP OfficeJet Series 300s, you can cause this con-
dition by pressing STOP on the receiving unit immediately
upon seeing the “Answering...” display.
503 Line disconnect Receiver sent DCN and dropped the line after waiting 3 sec-
onds for a received frame or the line signal was gone more
than 0.2 seconds.
504 Irrelevant response Command following CNG was not valid.
505 Time-out T1 timer elapsed and no response received. “No answer” dis-
played on journal report.
511 Incompatible remote receiver Receiver is non-compatible for customizable functions.
512 Incompatible remote receiver Receiver is non-compatible or polling was requested and de-
513 Polling password incorrect You were polled and there was no document to send.
514 No documents to be polled The polling unit does not look at the DIS which says we do
not have a document to poll and requests us to send one any-
515 Time-out Timer has elapsed.
521 DCN received DCN was received in a response frame following the training
phase. The remote side ended the session by sending DCN
(disconnect) during the session setup. Between 2 HP
OfficeJet Series 300s, you can cause this condition by press-
ing STOP on the receiving unit immediately upon seeing the
“Connecting...” display.
522 Line disconnect Receiver sent DCN and dropped the line after waiting 3 sec-
onds for a received frame or the line signal was gone more
than 0.2 seconds.
523 No response on all retries No response was received on all 3 attempts to establish con-
nection with DCS.We lost connection with the receiver, either
because the line dropped or because the receiver hung up.
524 Identification received Failure to sync with the remote unit. The line may be defec-
tive which keeps the remote unit from seeing the DCS com-
525 Fallback impossible Fallback in modem speed is needed but impossible (for exam-
ple: receiver supports V.29 but V.27 is needed). All attempts
to train with the remote unit have failed. The HP OfficeJet
Series 300 attempts to train at 9600, 7200, 4800 and 2400
(Continued on next page)