Problem Resolution
TRANSMIT ERRORS (500 level codes continued) – Code numbers not listed are not used
526 Irrelevant response The response received following the DCS + training was not
valid (expected CFR).
531 Irrelevant response The response received following the transmission of MPS,
EOP, EOM was incorrect. Check diagnostic bits 11 and 12.
532 DCN received DCN was received in a response to the transmittal signal.
Check diagnostic bits 11 and 12.
533 Line disconnect Receiver sent DCN and dropped the line after waiting 3 sec-
onds for a received frame or the line signal was gone more
than 0.2 seconds.
534 No response on all retries The connection was lost either because the line was dropped
or the receiver hung up.
535 Fallback impossible Fallback in the transmission of post messages is not possible.
Remote receiver does not respond with a RTP or RTN or the
transmitter can’t retransmit. If the session is non-ECM and
the receiver responded RTN after the sending unit sent a
page, the sending unit will train down to a slower speed for
the next page. After 2400 baud fails, the unit cannot train
down any slower and reports error code 535. In ECM mode,
the error might be possible, but the sequence would be differ-
ent (not using RTN).
536 At least one page not confirmed Occurs in non-ECM mode when there are many errors on a
page. The page received was not readable.
541 Phone disconnected The user has disconnected the line after the voice session
without continuing the fax session.
542 Time-out The T3 operator intervention timer has expired.
543 Irrelevant response The response received after the transmission of a voice re-
quest to the remote sender was not a DIS.
551 DCN received DCN was received in a response to the transmitted signal.
Check diagnostic bits 11 and 12.
552 Line disconnect Receiver sent DCN and dropped the line after waiting 3 sec-
onds for a received frame or the line signal was gone more
than 0.2 seconds.
553 No response on all retries The connection was lost with the receiver either because the
line was lost or the receiver hung up.
554 Irrelevant response The response received following the transmission of PPS-
NULL, PPS-MPS, PPS-EOM was incorrect. Check diagnos-
tic bits 11 and 12.
555 Fallback impossible System is unable to receive a valid ECM transmission at any
baud rate.
(Continued on next page)