Chapter9 | Warranty, support, and service | 109
Web site
You can also obtain product information as well as tips and hints
on how to get more from the HP Jornada product at our
worldwide Web site. This computer service is provided free of
charge; you pay only for telephone charges and Internet service
fees. To connect to this Web site from a computer via the
Internet, go to www.hp.com/jornada.
Contacting Hewlett-Packard worldwide
You will be pleased to know that our commitment to quality does
not stop at the sale. Our worldwide customer support network is
available to give you personal telephone service should you need
Country Telephone
Argentina 54-1-7788380
Australia 61-3-88778000
Austria 43-6606386
Belgium (Dutch) 32-2-6268806
Belgium (French) 32-2-6268807
Brazil 55-11-8296612
Canada 1-905-2064663
Chile 56-800-360999
China 86-10-65645959
Czech Republic 420-2-61307310
Denmark 45-39-294099
Finland 358-20347288
France 33-1-43623434
Germany 49-1-805258143
Greece 30-1-6896411
Hong Kong 800-967729