124 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 420 Palm-size PC
Simplified Uppercase Character Set
You can choose to use this character set instead of the Natural
Character Set by selecting it in the CIC Jot Options dialog box.
This character set gives you fewer options for entering each
character, as you’re writing in uppercase only, but allows for
greater flexibility in writing the letters, so you can write faster.
The tables in this section show how to use the Simplified
Uppercase Character Set to write letters, numbers, punctuation
marks, editing marks, and symbols. For each character, the
tables show alternatives for writing the characters. The dots
indicate where the strokes begin; strokes with no dots can be
written in either direction. Where appropriate, the stroke
sequence is numbered.
Using the letter areas
You can enter letters, punctuation, and editing marks in the
letter areas (abc and ABC) of the input panel.
$ 3
% 4
& 5
' 6
( 7
) 8
* 9