
94 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Adding accessories
Adding accessoriesAdding accessories
Adding accessories
You can purchase the following optional accessories.
Spare Travel Cable (F1800A)—Connects the P/PC to the
desktop PC. Requires an AC adapter to charge the P/PC.
Sync Cable (F1258A)—Connects the P/PC to the desktop PC.
Needed only if you buy a Docking Cradle.
External Keyboard (English US keyboard only; F1275A)—To
use this, you must also purchase a Docking Cradle.
Battery Pack (F1287A)
AC Adapter (F1290A)—Requires a travel cable, docking cradle
or external charger to connect to P/PC.
External Charger (includes spare battery pack; F1293A)—
Requires an AC adapter to charge the P/PC.
Serial Adapter (F1295A)—To use this, you must also purchase
a Docking Cradle.
Stylus pack (F1806A)
Docking Cradle (F1804A)—Allows connection to an AC
adapter, a desktop PC, and other accessories such as the
External Keyboard and Serial Adapter.
Leather case (F1794A)
Go to the Hewlett-Packard website at www.hp.com/jornada to
check for new accessories. Combination accessory packages
are also available (for distribution in US only).
Inserting and Removing CompactFlash Cards
Inserting and Removing CompactFlash CardsInserting and Removing CompactFlash Cards
Inserting and Removing CompactFlash Cards
CompactFlash Type I and II Cards give the HP Jornada
additional capabilities, such as additional memory, removable
storage, cellular modems, and Ethernet cards. Many cards have
been tested specifically for compatibility with the HP Jornada.
For a list of recommended compatible devices, go to the Hewlett-
Packard Web site at www.hp.com/jornada.
You may also need to install a software driver for a particular
card. The software drivers for Windows CE should be included
with the card or be available from the card manufacturer.