Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 59
• synchronize messages with Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft
Outlook on your desktop computer (see the Synchronizing e-
mail messages section in chapter 6)
• transfer individual messages using Windows CE Inbox
Transfer (see the Using Windows CE Inbox Transfer in
this chapter)
Setting up a dial-up connection and Inbox
To use Inbox to send and receive messages using a dial-up
connection to an ISP or your corporate network, you need to:
• have access to a phone line
• install a CF card modem
• get a PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) or SLIP (Serial Line
Internet Protocol) account to an Internet Service Provider
• set up a dial-up connection on the HP Jornada
• set up Inbox
The following sections describe these steps in detail. The
following figure depicts how the connection is made.
Connecting to an ISP or corporate network (Remote Access