
System Event Analyzer
2.3 SEA Known Issues
Rev. 9/8/06
2–4 Web-Based Enterprise Services Release Notes
StorageWorks SAN 1 Gbps Switches:
DSGGA-AA 8 port, StorageWorks Fibre Channel switch
DSGGA-AB 16 port, StorageWorks Fibre Channel switch
DSGGB-AA 8 port, StorageWorks SAN switch 8
DSGGB-AB 16 port, StorageWorks SAN switch 16
DSGGC-AA 8 port, SAN Switch 8-EL
DSGGC-AB 16 port, SAN Switch 16-EL
DSGGS SAN Switch Integrated /32 and /64 ports
StorageWorks SAN 2 Gbps Switches:
DS-DSGGD-AA 16 port, SAN Switch 2/16
DS-DSGGD-AB 32 port, SAN Switch 2/32
DS-DSGGD-AC 8 port, SAN Switch 2/8-EL
DS-DSSGD-AD 16 port, SAN Switch 2/16-EL
DS-DSGGD-BB 32 port, SAN Switch 2/32
DS-DSGGD-DB 32 port, SAN Switch 2/32
DS-DSGGE-xx 64 port, Core Switch 2/64
2.3 SEA Known Issues
The System Event Analyzer User Guide includes appendices that address performance and
browser usage. If you think SEA is performing less than optimally, or if you are using the web
interface, you should familiarize yourself with the appendices.
The issues described in the following sections are specific to SEA.
2.3.1 General SEA Issues
2.3.2 SEA Command Line Interface Issues
2.3.3 SEA Web Interface Issues
2.3.4 Windows SEA Issues
2.3.5 HP-UX SEA Issues
2.3.6 Linux SEA Issues
2.3.7 OpenVMS SEA Issues
See Section 1.6 WEBES Known Issues for overall suite issues.
2.3.1 General SEA Issues
These issues apply to SEA on all operating systems: