
System Event Analyzer
2.3 SEA Known Issues
Rev. 9/8/06
Web-Based Enterprise Services Release Notes 2–17
desta msg -chgconf "global" 6 300000 i im
desta stop
desta exec "com.compaq.svctools.desta.configuration.ChangeEnrollments"
-enroll ConfigDefaultsCCAT.txt
Ignore the error messages that result from this command. This typically occurs if
CCAT is not installed)
Change the "-unenroll" parameter to "-enroll" and re-issue the "desta exec" command
for SEA (CA) services. Ignore the error messages that result from this command. This
typically occurs if SEA is not installed.
You should now be able to restart the Director successfully on respective platforms.
Windows: net start desta_service
All others: desta start Multiple Java Installs May Affect Web Interface
If you independently (not as part of WEBES) install, uninstall, and reinstall different versions
of the Java JDK, SDK, and JRE, the browser may reach a state where it no longer loads the
web interface correctly.
If SEA web pages do not load, and you suspect that Java was installed multiple times, you may
need to follow these steps to resolve any Java conflicts that are affecting the web interface:
1. Close all the Web browser windows.
2. Uninstall all Java versions on the system. Do not remove the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) that is embedded in WEBES (in svctools/common/jre) or any JRE embedded in
any other products.
3. Manually delete all directories left behind that contained Java directories and files. This is
particularly important on Windows. For example, if you have Sun's Java 2 Runtime
Environment, SE v1.4.2_10 installed at C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10, then after
removing the Java product from Add/Remove Programs, manually delete the directory
C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10 and all of its remaining contents.
4. Reinstall the desired JRE. See the "Java Requirements" in WEBES User Guide section
C.1, "Supported Web Browsers". The latest JRE from Sun should always work for
browsers communicating with WEBES.
5. Check the browser configuration to ensure that it is using the new JRE you have installed.
See C.2, "Browser Setup" for the procedure to verify that Java is enabled. Web Interface Hangs on Startup After CommandView
EVA Stops or Restarts
If CommandView EVA (CV EVA) is stopped or restarted while the WEBES Director or
WCCProxy is running, then the WEBES SEA web interface may hang attempting to connect
to CV EVA. To clear this situation, stop and restart both the WEBES Director and the