Page 8-3
key is used to edit the contents of a selected cell in the
matrix writer.
The @VEC@@ key, when selected, will produce a vector, as opposed to a
matrix of one row and many columns.
←WID key is used to decrease the width of the columns in the
spreadsheet. Press this key a couple of times to see the column width
decrease in your matrix writer.
key is used to increase the width of the columns in the
spreadsheet. Press this key a couple of times to see the column width
increase in your matrix writer.
The @GO
key, when selected, automatically selects the next cell to
the right of the current cell when you press
. This option is
selected by default. This option, if desired, needs to be selected
before entering elements.
The @GO
↓ key, when selected, automatically selects the next cell below
the current cell when you press `. This option, if desired, needs to
be selected before entering elements.
Moving to the right vs. moving down in the matrix writer
Activate the matrix writer and enter
with the
key selected (default). Next, enter the same sequence of numbers with
the @GO
key selected to see the difference. In the first case you entered a
vector of three elements. In the second case you entered a matrix of three
rows and one column.
Activate the matrix writer again by using
, and press
to check
out the second soft key menu at the bottom of the display. It will show the
@→STK@@ @GOTO@