Page 4-2
Entering complex numbers
Complex numbers in the calculator can be entered in either of the two
Cartesian representations, namely, x+iy, or (x,y). The results in the calculator
will be shown in the ordered-pair format, i.e., (x,y). For example, with the
calculator in ALG mode, the complex number (3.5,-1.2), is entered as:
A complex number can also be entered in the form x+iy. For example, in
ALG mode, 3.5-1.2i is entered as:
3.5 -1.2*‚¥`
In RPN mode, these numbers will be entered using the following keystrokes:
(Notice that the change-sign keystroke is entered after the number 1.2 has
been entered, in the opposite order as the ALG mode exercise), and
³3.5 -1.2*‚¥`
(Notice the need to enter an apostrophe before typing the number 3.5-1.2i in
RPN mode).
To enter the unit imaginary number type :
(the I key).
Polar representation of a complex number
The polar representation of the complex number 3.5-1.2i, entered above, is
obtained by changing the coordinate system to cylindrical or polar (using
function CYLIN). You can find this function in the catalog (
). Press
before or after using CYLIN. Changing to polar shows, and changing
the angular measure to radians, produces the result: