
HP StorageWorks 2000 G2 Modular Smart Array Reference Guide 81
connUnitPortTable Includes the following objects as specified by the FA MIB2.2 Spec
connUnitPortUnitId connUnitId of the connectivity unit
that contains this port
Same as connUnitId
connUnitPortIndex Unique value for each
connUnitPortEntry between 1
and connUnitNumPorts
Unique value for each port, between
1 and the number of ports
connUnitPortType Port type not-present[3], or n-port[5] for
point-to-point topology, or l-port[6]
connUnitPortFCClassCap Bit mask that specifies the classes of
service capability of this port. If this
is not applicable, returns all bits set
to zero.
Fibre Channel ports return 8 for
connUnitPortFCClassOp Bit mask that specifies the classes of
service that are currently operational.
If this is not applicable, returns all
bits set to zero.
Fibre Channel ports return 8 for
connUnitPortState State of the port hardware unknown[1], online[2], offline[3],
connUnitPortStatus Overall protocol status for the port unknown[1], unused[2], ok[3],
warning[4], failure[5],
notparticipating[6], initializing[7],
Technology of the port transceiver unknown[1] for Fibre Channel ports
connUnitPortModuleType Module type of the port connector unknown[1]
connUnitPortWwn Fibre Channel World Wide Name
(WWN) of the port if applicable
WWN octet for the port, or empty
string if the port is not present
connUnitPortFCId Assigned Fibre Channel ID of this
Fibre Channel ID of the port
All bits set to 1 if the Fibre
Channel ID is not assigned or if
the port is not present
connUnitPortSn Serial number of the unit (for
example, for a GBIC). If this is not
applicable, returns an empty string.
Empty string
connUnitPortRevision Port revision (for example, for a
Empty string
connUnitPortVendor Port vendor (for example, for a GBIC) Empty string
connUnitPortSpeed Speed of the port in KByte per
second (1 KByte = 1000 Byte)
Port speed in KByte per second, or 0
if the port is not present
connUnitPortControl Not supported invalid[2] for an SNMP GET
operation and not settable through
an SNMP SET operation
connUnitPortName String describing the addressed port See External details for
connUnitPortTable on page 85
Port number represented on the
Port number represented on the
connUnitPortStatObject Not supported 0 (No statistics available)
Table 10 FA MIB 2.2 objects, descriptions, and values (continued)
Object Description Value