HP StorageWorks 2000 G2 Modular Smart Array Reference Guide 95
116 Critical After a recovery, the partner controller was
killed while mirroring write-back data to the
current controller. The current controller
restarted to avoid losing the data in the
partner controller's cache, but if the other
controller does not restart successfully, the
data will be lost.
To determine if data might have been lost,
check whether this event was immediately
followed by restart event 56, closely followed
by failover event 71 (specifying p1=1).
118 Informational Cache parameters have been changed for
the specified vdisk.
127 Warning The controller has detected an invalid disk
dual-port connection. This connection does
not have the benefit of fault tolerance. Failure
of the disk port would cause loss of access to
the disk.
The single disk port should be connected to
one controller only.
136 Warning Errors detected on the specified disk channel
have caused the storage system to mark the
channel as degraded.
Determine the source of the errors on the
specified disk channel and replace the faulty
When the problem is fixed, event 189 is
139 Informational The MC has powered up or restarted.
140 Informational The MC is about to restart.
141 Informational The IP address has been changed in the MC.
152 Informational
or warning
The MC has not sent a command to the SC
for an interval that exceeds the MC
communication timeout, and may have
failed. This is sometimes referred to as a
“LAN not talking” error. This event is logged
as informational when the SC has not
received communication from the MC for 160
seconds. If communication is restored in less
than 15 minutes, event 153 is logged. If the
SC has not received communication from the
MC for 15 minutes, this event is logged as a
warning, the SC restarts the MC, and event
156 is logged.
If this occurs repeatedly and user interfaces
are not working normally, a hardware failure
is indicated. Replace the controller module
that is logging this event.
153 Informational The MC has re-established communication
with the SC.
154 Informational New software has been loaded on the MC.
155 Informational New loader software has been loaded on
the MC.
156 Informational The MC has been restarted from the SC.
157 Critical A failure occurred when trying to write to the
SC flash chip.
Replace the controller module.
158 Informational A correctable ECC error occurred in the CPU
160 Warning The EMP enclosures are not configured
correctly. All enclosure EMPs on that channel
are disabled.
Check that EMP enclosures are configured
correctly and issue a rescan.
Table 14 Event code descriptions and recommended actions (continued)
Event type Description Recommended action