
latency Thetimerequiredtotransmitaframefromthetimeitissentuntilitarrives.
Together, latency and bandwidth dene the speed and capacity of a link or
link With respect to FC, a physical conne ction between t wo ports, consisting of
both transmit and receive bers.
link services A protocol for link-related actions.
LIP Loop initialization primitive. The signal that begins initialization in a loop. It
indicates either loop fail ure or the resetting of a node.
LM_TOV Loop master time -out value. The minimum time that the loop master waits for a
loop initialization sequence to return.
loop failure Loss of s ignal within a loop for any period of time; loss of synchronization for
longer than the time-out value.
Loop_ID A hexadecimal value representing one of the 127 possible AL_PA values in an
arbitrated loop. See also ???.
loop initialization The logical procedure used by an L_Port to discover its environment. Can be
used to assign AL_PA addresses, detect loop failure, or reset a node. See also
LPSM Loop port state machine. The logical entity tha
t performs arbitrated loop
protocols and denes the behavior of L_Ports
when they require access to an
arbitrated loop. See also ???.
LWL Long wavelength. A type of ber optic cabling that is based on 1300 mm
lasers and supports link speeds up to 2 Gb /s. May also refer to the t ype of
transceiver. See also ???.
master port The port that determines the routing paths for all trafc owing through a
trunking group. One of the p orts in the rst ISL in the trunking group is
designated as the master port for that group. See also ???.
MIB Management Information Base. An SNMP structure to help with device
management, providing conguration and device information. See also ???.
multicast The transmission of data from a single source to multiple specied N_Ports (as
opposed to all ports on the network).
N_Port Node port. A port on a node that can connect to an FC port or to another
N_Por t in a point-to-point connection.
name server A term frequently used to indicate a Simple Name Server (SNS). See also ???.
NL_Port Node loop por t. A node port that has arbitrated loop capabilities. Used to
connect a n equipment port to the fabric in a loop conguration through an
FL_Port. See also ???.
node An FC device that contains an N_Port or NL_Port.
A mode in which an L_Port in a loop is inactive and cannot arbitrate or send
frames, but can retransmit any received transmissions. This mo d e is entered if
there are more than 127 devices in a loop and an AL_PA cannot be acquired.
See also ???, ??? .
Nx_Port AnodeportthatcanoperateasanN_PortorNL_Port.
The HP BladeSystem Onboard Administrator (OA) is the enclosure management
processor, subsystem, and rmware base used to support the HP BladeSystem
c7000 or HP BladeSystem c3000 and all the managed devices contained
within the enclosure.