Module Isolation
Module Isolation
and Creepage
Clearance and creepage distances must be maintained on your
54-21813 module. Clearance is the shortest distance in air
between two points. Creepage is the shortest distance along a
continuous surface between those same two points.
Creepage distances apply when the 54-21813 module system is
installed in a controlled environment. You can check creepage
distances by measuring the distance between adjacent parts.
If in doubt, you should seek the advice of a telecoms safety
engineer. Failure to install the 54-21813 module in accordance
with these instructions will invalidate the approval.
and Creepage
Except at the connector that plugs into the host, clearance and
creepage distances of Xmm and Ymm, as listed in Table D–3,
must be maintained between the approved module and other
parts of the host, including expansion cards. Digital has ensured
that when the 54-21813 module is installed within the DEC 3000
Model 600/600S/700 AXP system, the creepage and clearance
distances to the host are met.
D–4 Special Information for PTT Network Users