
light-emitting diode (LED)
A semiconductor device that glows when supplied with a specific
voltage. The operator control panel contains LEDs that indicate
the status of the modules in the computer.
In close proximity or connected directly to the computer.
Compare with remote.
local area network
A high-speed network communications system that connects a
variety of multiple computers within a limited geographical area,
such as one building or a group of buildings. It is a privately
owned communication network whose speed is upward of one
megabit per second. Using a LAN, multiple users can share
devices and files at higher speeds, faster response times,and
lower costs than with telephone lines.
local area VMScluster system
A type of configuration in which cluster communication is
carried out over the Ethernet by software that emulates certain
computer interconnect port functions.
local console mode
A mode in which you interact directly with the console subsystem
without requiring the password security feature. Compare with
privileged console mode.
local device
A disk drive, tape drive, or other device that is only available to
the computer to which it is connected.
A sequence of hardware or software operations. Hardware logic
consists of chips and circuits that compute and control computer
operations. Software logic (also called program logic) is the
sequence of program instructions.