
Configuring and Monitoring Port Security
MAC Lockout
To use MAC Lockout you must first know the MAC Address you wish to block.
How It Works. Let’s say a customer knows there are unauthorized wireless
clients who should not have access to the network. The network administrator
“locks out” the MAC addresses for the wireless clients by using the MAC
Lockout command (lockout-mac <mac-address>). When the wireless clients
then attempt to use the network, the switch recognizes the intruding MAC
addresses and prevents them from sending or receiving data on that network.
If a particular MAC address can be identified as unwanted on the switch then
that MAC Address can be disallowed on all ports on that switch with a single
command. You don’t have to configure every single port—just perform the
command on the switch and it is effective for all ports.
Syntax: [no] lockout-mac < mac-address >