In memory expansion architecture, each processor has two embedded memory controllers. Each memory controller
controls two high-speed scalable memory interfaces (SMI). Each SMI link expands to two DDR3 buses via a scalable
memory buffer (SMB). Each memory controller runs its two SMI links in lockstep. Memory expansion architecture
furnishes a level of fault tolerance to sustain the failure of any DRAM device within any pair of lockstep DIMMs.
This memory subsystem design supplies enhanced performance in Advanced ECC mode. Additional memory
protection comes through online spare, mirrored memory and DDDC modes.
The DL580 G7 Advanced ECC supports up to 2TB of active memory utilizing 32 GB DDR3 RDIMMs. The server
provides notification if the level of correctable errors exceeds a pre-defined threshold. Standard ECC can only
correct single-bit memory errors. Advanced ECC corrects any single-bit and multi-bit memory error associated with a
single DRAM device (SDDC).
Online spare memory gives additional protection against degrading DIMMs. For example, rank sparing allows the
allocation of a rank in a DIMM as the online spare memory for a collection of two DIMMs. If one of the non-spare
DIMMs exceeds a threshold for correctable memory errors, the server automatically copies the contents of the
degraded memory to the online spare rank. Then the server deactivates the failing memory rank, and automatically
switches over to the online spare rank. This reduces the likelihood of uncorrectable memory errors, which could
result in server downtime. Online spare memory protection is available without any operating system support.
Mirrored memory protects against failed DIMMs. It supports up to 1 TB of active memory and 1 TB of mirrored
memory using 32-GB DIMMs. Within each processor, mirroring occurs on the memory controller level. Note that
each memory controller supports two SMI links. When two memory controllers mirror each other, DIMM pairs
associated with each memory controller maintain a copy of all memory contents. Memory writes go to DIMM pairs
of both memory controllers. Memory reads come from only one set of DIMM pairs of the two memory controllers,
unless an uncorrectable error occurs. If a memory read on one DIMM pair returns incorrect data due to an
uncorrectable memory error, the system automatically retrieves the correct data from the mirrored DIMM pair.
Systems do not lose mirroring protection because of transient and soft uncorrectable errors and maintain mirroring
protection unless memory in both DIMM pairs fail.