
key for RAID 6 and 6 +0. The SA-P410i supports up to eight drives and up to 4.8 TB of storage (8 x 600 GB HDD).
It also supports tape storage.
On the SA-P410i, a flash-backed write cache (FBWC) module comes standard with either 512 MB or1 GB,
depending on the model. Battery-backed write cache (BBWC) modules are also available on factory-configured
systems. In the event of a controller or server failure, you can remove the BBWC equipped Smart Array cache from
the SA-P410i and place it on another SA-P410i controller board. The cached data will move to the disk drives.
The following features support failure detection. They keep the server running and data available while you replace
a failed drive: HP developed Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology to detect possible disk failure before it
Drive Parameter Tracking monitors drives operational parameters, predicting failure and notifying the
Dynamic Sector Repairing continually performs background surface scans on the disk drives during inactive
periods and automatically remaps bad sectors, ensuring data integrity.
RAID 6 with Advanced Data Guarding (ADG) allocates two sets of parity data across drives and allows
simultaneous write operations. This level of fault tolerance can withstand two simultaneous drive failures without
downtime or data loss.
RAID 5 (Distributed Data Guarding) allocates one set of parity data across drives and allows simultaneous write
operations. This level of fault tolerance can withstand a single drive failure without downtime or data loss.
RAID 5+0 is a RAID 0 array striped across elements. It combines the straight block-level striping of RAID 0 with the
distributed parity of RAID 5.
RAID 1, 1+0 (Drive Mirroring) allocates half of the drive array to data and the other half to mirrored data,
providing two copies of every file. It is a high-performance RAID.
Smart Array Cache Tracking monitors integrity of controller cache, allowing pre-failure preventative maintenance.
Recovery ROM protects from firmware image corruption by storing a redundant copy of the image. If the active
image becomes corrupt, the controller will use the redundant image and continue operating.
DRAM ECC detects and corrects data bit errors.
Battery-Backed Write Cache upgrade supplies up to two days of battery power for data cache retention. You can
extend the retention time during system power down when the server's auxiliary power is available.
On-Line spares minimize downtime, reconstruct data, and facilitate a quick recovery from drive failure. You can
install up to two spare drives before a drive failure. If a failure occurs, the recovery begins automatically with
an On-Line Spare and data reconstructs.
Online Drive Flashing is available on the SA-P410. With Online Drive Flashing, you can download an updated
hard disk drive (HDD) firmware image to the controller and update all of your SAS HDDs the next time you reboot
the server, greatly reducing the time involved in updating disk drive firmware.
Mirror Splitting and recombining with the HP Smart Array Advanced Pack (SAAP) let you divide a RAID 1 array into
two RAID 0 arrays and later combine the two RAID 0 arrays into a single RAID 1 array. The Array Configuration
Utility (ACU) lets you combine any two RAID 0 arrays of the same size and select which drive keeps the data. This
feature is only available offline. You must boot to the Smart Start CD and run ACU from there. Typically, you use
this feature when testing out a software patch. You could split the mirror as a means to save the current data and
then perform any type of destructive software update necessary, keeping the resulting data set or reverting back to
the old data. BBWC is not required to enable this feature.
Capacity expansion adds drives to a configured array. The logical drives (or volumes) that exist in an array before
the expansion takes place remain unchanged, only the amount of free space in the array changes. BBWC is
required for this feature.
All Smart Array controllers use the same configuration utility and diagnostic software, Array Configuration Utility
(ACU), and management software, HP Insight Manager. The SA-P410 also provides Option ROM Configuration for
Arrays (ORCA) that allows a simplified configuration tool at the time of controller boot.