Using GPS Navigation
User’s Guide 8–11
Menu command bar
2 Current time
3 Menu options
4 Next page button
5 Relevant information
(if available)
6 Cancel button
Option Function
Navigate to . . .—Tap to calculate a route from your
current position to a destination. The destination can
be anything except your current position.
Find alternative—Tap to recalculate a new route if
you do not like the original route.
Clear route—Tap to remove the calculated route.
The screen will show your position on the map without
providing route instructions or indicators.
Note: Clear route is not available when there is no
calculated route.
Add favorite—Add a location to your Favorites list.
Use any type of location except another favorite. Use
the Picking locations menu to enter the location.
Change preferences—Change night/day screen
colors, 3D Display mode, map display, volume, voice
selection, mute sound, points of interest, etc.