User’s Guide 14–4
Using Security Features
❏ Select whether to keep security after a hard reset.
Note: It is recommended that you select this option to ensure that
the data stored in your HP iPAQ remains secure after a hard reset.
8. Tap Next.
9. From the Encryption Settings screen:
❏ Select the encryption strength.
◆ Lite is the fastest but least secure algorithm.
◆ Blowfish is both fast and secure.
◆ Triple DES and AES are the most secure, but AES
encrypts data faster than Triple DES.
Note: It is recommended that you use the default, AES.
❏ Select which data you want encrypted. If you select to
have the My Documents folder encrypted, you can also
choose whether to encrypt media files (for example,
audio or video files). Media files often take longer to
encrypt and decrypt than other file types.
❏ Select whether you want the encryption status displayed.
Selecting this option allows you to monitor the
encryption/decryption process. Refer to
“Encrypting/Decrypting Data” later in this chapter for
more information.
10. Tap Next.
11. From the Security Configuration Complete screen, tap
Continue to create your PIN or password, and answer your
hint question.