connecting to LocalTalk C-1 - C-2
NVRAM error
data error 5-14
on/off button
location 1-3
ordering accessories 2-20
paper 3-11
overhead transparencies
specifications B-6
ozone emisions A-4
packing material 1-5
3-hole punch orientation 3-11
3x5 cards 3-15
custom sized 3-15
guidelines B-3
heavy stock B-3
loading Tray 2 1-7
orientation 3-11
postcards 3-15
purchasing 3-2
specifications B-3
paper curl
reducing 3-4
paper handling accessories
ordering 2-20
paper handling features 2-2
paper jam
areas 5-2
causes 5-2
output areas 5-5
toner cartridge area 5-4
Tray 2 paper feed area 5-3
paper length guide
Tray 2 3-7
paper path
straight 3-4
paper selection
default 3-3
paper sizes
loading in Tray 2 3-6
maximum 3-3
minimum 3-3
paper weight
equivalence table B-4
paper width guide
Tray 1 3-5
Tray 2 3-6
parallel cable
attaching 1-10
parallel ports
configuring for DOS 2-18
selecting 1-9
part numbers 2-20
parts list 1-2 - 1-3
pausing printing
manual feed 3-9
PCL demo page
description 2-8
PCL font list
description 2-8
printing instructions 2-9
PCL language features 2-2
PCL printer commands E-1 - E-6
PCL self test
description 2-8
example 2-10
printing instructions 2-9
printing 3-15
PostScript configuration page
description 2-8
example 2-12
PostScript demo page
description 2-8
PostScript errors
troubleshooting problems 5-21
PostScript font list
description 2-8
printing instructions 2-9
PostScript Printer Description (PPD)
selecting an alternative 5-20
PostScript self test
printing instructions 2-9
PostScript SIMM
installing D-2
ordering 2-20
power cord
attaching 1-12
power cord door
location 1-3
selecting an alternate 5-20
prepare location for printer 1-4
print defects (vertical on page)
print quality problem 5-9
print density 4-2
print overrun
data error 5-13
print quality features 2-2
print quality problems 5-7
print speed 2-2
troubleshooting 5-15
accessories 2-20
cleaning 4-7
dimensions A-1
maintenance 4-1 - 4-8
packing material 1-5
parts 1-2 - 1-3
preparing location 1-4
repacking guidelines 6-5
space requirements 1-4
specifications A-1 - A-6
printer busy
light message 2-6
printer cables
ordering 2-20
printer cables and ports
selecting 1-8
printer drivers
accessing 2-15
EN Index-3