• For Macintosh or Macintosh-compatible computers:
1 Click the Test Pages panel in the HP LaserJet Utility.
2 Select the desired test page.
3 Click the Print button.
• From the DOS Remote Control Panel:
1 Under “Options,” select Print Test Page.
2 Select the desired test page.
Example of a Self Test Page
A Printer Information:
Lists the Formatter Number, Firmware Datecode, Page Count,
and LocalTalk Network information for the printer.
B Memory:
Lists printer memory, I/O Buffering data, and Resource Saving
C Installed Personalities and Options:
Lists all personalities, such as PCL and PostScript that are
installed, and the status of each SIMM slot.
D REt block:
This block is used when adjusting the Resolution Enhancement
technology (REt) setting.
E Settings:
Current printer default settings and product-specific information.
2-10 Printer Basics EN