Step Instructions
connect to ports assigned as printer. All ports are flexible except as noted below (i.e.,
ports may be configured as computer or printer). The standard factory default power-
up configuration follows:
706A & 706C: Port 6 - computer port (host) *
Port 1 - printer port *
Ports 2 through 5 - computer ports
706D & 706E: Port 6 - computer port (host)
Port 1 - printer port
Ports 2 through 5 - computer ports
708A & 708C: Port 8 - computer port (host) *
Port 1 - printer port *
Ports 2 through 7 - computer ports
708D, 708E, & 708F: Port 8 - computer port (host)
Port 1 - printer port
Ports 2 through 7 - computer ports
710C: Port 10 - computer port (host) *
Port 1 - printer port *
Ports 2 through 9 - computer ports
710E & 710F: Port 10 - computer port (host)
Port 1 - printer port
Ports 2 through 9 - computer ports
If your application requires port assignments that are different from the factory default
configuration, you must reconfigure your unit. Step 5 discusses configuration mode.
If your application requires sharing more than one printer or plotter, you will
have to reconfigure the port assignment(s) of your unit.
* Ports are fixed as computer or printer (i.e., cannot be changed).
This step does not apply to the 706A and 708A models.
The serial port configuration of your serial devices and Print Master must all match.
Print Master's default configuration follows:
Baud Rate: 9600 bps
Word Size: 8 bits
Stop Bits: 1 bit
Parity: None
If you will be connecting any serial devices which communicate with serial parameters
different than the default configuration, you must access configuration mode and
make the appropriate changes. Step 5 discusses configuration mode.
Correct cables for the serial and parallel ports are vital for error free operation.