To cable Print Masters equipped with Option 19 together, connect
Port 10 of a 710 having a lower Unit ID Number to port 9 of a 710
having a higher Unit ID Number with a male-to-male crossed cable
(BayTech part number MM09XYYY, where YYY is the required
length). The required pinout is shown in
Figure 3
on page 18.
Cascaded units power up from the factory in contention mode, which
allows any of the computers connected to a particular unit to contend
for any of the printers connected to that same unit. These computers
will not contend for printers connected to other Print Master units
when in power-up contention mode.
Printer selection is accomplished by sending a printer select
sequence consisting of the Printer Select Code followed by a two-digit
number. This two digit number consists of the desired Unit ID
Number followed by the desired printer port number on that unit.
is the factory default Printer Select Code. Other
codes may be programmed, but all cascaded Print Master units must
be configured to have the same Printer Select Code.
If a computer connected to unit number 1 wishes to
print to a printer connected to port 5 of unit number 4, the computer
would send
If a computer connected to Unit number 2 wishes to
send data to any printer connected to Unit 3 (contention mode), the
computer would send
If a computer connected to Unit number 4 wishes to
output data to the printer connected to Port 1 of the same unit, the
computer would send