2-10 Menu
◆ Manual Calibrations — allows you to calibrate the printer
visually, without the printer’s digital imaging sensor. Inaccu-
rate judgments by the operator during these tests could
result in substandard output. See “Manual Calibrations” on
page 4-8 for instructions.
◆ Media Feed
◆ Manual Bidi Registration
◆ Manual X Head Registration
◆ Manual Jet Mapping — the manual version of AutoJet
◆ Jet Status Lines — prints the Manual Jet Mapping pat-
tern without running the calibration
◆ Default Registration Data
◆ AutoTune — schedules jet maintenance to run automatically
after a certain number of prints have printed. See “Auto-
Tune” on page 4-4 for instructions.
◆ AutoRecover — performs a Purge-n-Wipe at the start of a
print job (before printing) if a Purge-n-Wipe has not been
performed for a specified amount of time. See “AutoRe-
cover” on page 4-6 for instructions.
◆ Calibration Summary — prints summary information with
the AutoSet calibration test patterns, or transmits registra-
tion or jet data to a log file on the print server. “Calibration
Summary” on page 4-22 for details.
◆ Configure for Profile Creation (cut sheet printing only) —
causes all calibration prints to print on the same cut sheet,
rather than ejecting the sheet after each calibration print.
Automatically disabled after all calibration prints are fin-
ished, when a print job is received from the RIP, or when roll-
fed media is loaded. Also allows you to configure a dry time
before calibration readings are taken.
Printer Settings Printer Settings enables you to set many options that control
how the printer operates. Settings saved by the Media Wizard are
indicated by
MEDIA WIZARD in the margin.
MEDIA WIZARD ◆ Takeup Tension — adjusts the media takeup tension, which
is required for proper media feeding. Insufficient takeup ten-
sion could result in inaccurate media feed and media buck-
MEDIA WIZARD ◆ Supply Tension — adjusts the media supply tension, which is
required for proper media feeding. The lowest (“idle”) ten-
sion is best for most media.