Solving Problems
Image Quality
Ink Supply
Media Problems Image Error
Other Problems Getting Help
Media & InkIntroduction Front Panel Other
Print is Distorted or Unintelligible
• The interface cable between your computer and the printer could be faulty. Try another cable to see if the problem is
• If you have connected your computer to the parallel port on the printer, make sure you are using a genuine HP par-
allel interface cable.
• Depending on the software, drivers and RIPs you are using with your printer, there will be different solutions to solv-
ing this problem. Refer to the Vendor’s User Documentation for details.
One Image Overlays Another on the Same Sheet
• The I/O Setup / I/O Timeout setting may be too long. From the front-panel menu decrease the setting and print
Pen Settings Seem to have No Effect
• Either: you have changed them in Pen settings / Define palette but forgotten to select that palette in Pen settings /
• Or: you expected the software-driven pen settings but in the front-panel Pen settings / Palette is not set to Software.
• Or: you changed the setting in the front panel but this has been ignored by the printer because the driver setting has
not been changed.
Page Format or Rotate does not Work
• The printer cannot rotate raster images. If your file contains raster data (typically, images with heavy area fill and
shading that you have scanned into your software) you will not be able to rotate the print.
• Your driver does not allow this to happen.