Remote Operation
TRACe Subsystem Commands
TRACe Subsystem Commands
Returns the start value for the X-axis data for the trace. The X-axis data will
be evenly spaced points from STARt to STOP. The number of points is deter-
mined by the TRACe:POINts setting.
This command sets the start and stop values for the X-axis data for the trace
and sets the X-axis type to TIME. The first <numeric_value> corresponds to
the start, and the second corresponds to the stop. If the stop value is greater
than the start value, a “Data out of range” error will be generated. The X-axis
data will be evenly spaced points from start to stop. The number of points is
determined by the TRACe:POINts setting. If the trace has an expression
defined, this expression will be cleared when changing the X-axis start/stop.
Changing the X-axis data in a trace used in an expression
(CALCulate:MATH:EXPRession) by another trace may cause an error in the
expression if the X-axis data in the operands of the expression no longer
This query reads the X-axis type for the trace. The X-axis will be WAV for a
trace acquired in a normal span, or TIME for a trace acquired in zero span.
The trace names defined for the instrument are: TRA, TRB, TRC, TRD, TRE,
and TRF. Specifying any other will generate an “Illegal parameter value” error.
book.book Page 95 Monday, January 31, 2000 10:34 AM