Status Listings
SCPI-Defined Errors
488.2, section 11.5.1) to be set. Events that generate device-specific errors
shall not generate command errors, execution errors, or query errors; see the
other error definitions in this section.
Query errors
An <error/event number> in the range [–499, –400] indicates that the output
queue control of the instrument has detected a problem with the message
exchange protocol described in IEEE 488.2, chapter 6. The occurrence of any
error in this class shall cause the query error bit (bit 2) in the event status reg-
ister (IEEE 488.2, section 11.5.1) to be set. These errors correspond to mes-
sage exchange protocol errors described in IEEE 488.2, section 6.5.
One of the following is true:
• An attempt is being made to read data from the output queue when no output
is either present or pending.
• Data in the output queue has been lost.
Events that generate query errors will not generate command errors, execu-
tion errors, or device-specific errors; see the other error definitions in this sec-
Table 5-3. Device-Specific Errors
Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples]
–310 desc = “System error”
help = ““
[Indicates that some error, termed “system error” by the device, has occurred.
This code is device-dependent.]
–321 desc = “Out of memory”
help = ““
[An internal operation needed more memory than was available.]
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