
If you are running Tru64 UNIX V5.1:
a. Use a browser to download the Authentication Server from
the following web site: http://www.tru64unix.com-
paq.com/ipaq. If you have transferred this file as part of an
archive, extract the smauth.jar_v51 file from the archive
and move it to the Tru64 UNIX system.
b. Rename the smauth.jar_v51 file to smauth.jar file
# mv smauth.jar_v51 smauth.jar
For the remainder of this example, we assume that the home directory
is used and designate it with the $HOME environment variable.
4. Stop the current Authentication Server.
# /sbin/init.d/smauth stop
The Authentication Server must be stopped on each node of a TruCluster
5. Copy the new Authentication Server into this directory. The new
Authentication is located in your home directory after the download.
# cp $HOME/smauth.jar .
6. Change the permissions, the group, and ownership of this file as follows.
# chmod 644 smauth.jar
# chgrp bin smauth.jar
# chown bin smauth.jar
7. Start the current Authentication Server.
# /sbin/init.d/smauth start
The Authentication Server must be started on each node of a TruCluster
8. Verify that the daemon started as follows.
ps aux | grep "AuthenticationServer"
This command must be run on each node of a TruCluster system.
Installing the Software 17