Installing the Software
You can perform system administration tasks remotely on a system running
Tru64 UNIX by using your iPAQ Pocket PC hand-held computer, after you
download and install the SysMan iPAQ software.
1.1 Minimal Requirements
The following section states the minimal requirements for both the
installation and use of the software to access the SysMan Menu from the
iPAQ Pocket PC hand-held computer. These requirements are divided into
these categories:
• Tru64 UNIX requirements
• Personal computer requirements
• iPAQ Pocket PC requirements
The majority of these requirements are easily fulfilled.
1.1.1 Tru64 UNIX Minimum Requirements
• Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1 or higher
For TruCluster systems, all cluster nodes must be running the same
version of the operating system, Version 5.1 or higher.
To verify the version of the Tru64 UNIX operating system on a single
system, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/sizer -v
HP Tru64 UNIX V5.1A (Rev. 1885)
To verify the version of the Tru64 UNIX operating system on each node
of a TruCluster system, enter the following command:
# clu_get_info -full | grep "Member cluster version"
The following is output for each node of the TruCluster system:
Member cluster version = HP TruCluster server V5.1A (Rev. 1312)
• Wireless Network support
Installing the Software 1–1